March 24 Update
John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jesus has come into our world to bring us hope. His real presence among us gives us the courage and the patience to walk with others during these times. In this season of Lent, let us remember and focus on God’s love for us in the presence of His Son!
All activities at the church building are suspended until further notice. This includes Wednesday and Sunday worship services as well as all bible studies, confirmation class, and fellowship activities.
Pastor has suspended shut in visits unless it is an emergency. Please contact him directly (920-445-6021) if you would like a visit. Most hospitals are locked down at this time and phone calls and facetime appear to be our best mode of communication for those who do not have internet service.
The website and emails will be our primary mode of communication. If you have friends who are not online, please contact them to let them know of our events.
We will continue to offer a devotion on Wednesday evening. This will be on the website under the sermons and worship tab. Here is a link.
Please take the chance to reflect on God’s Word during this challenging time.
An abbreviated Sunday service will be posted on the website which will include hymns, scripture reading, sermon, and prayers. You may watch the video on Sunday morning or at your convenience.
We will also offer a video bible study. The materials are provided on, the Lutheran hour ministry site. It is called The Sent Life, and is a study of selected verses in John. You can download the materials, watch the videos, and join us for a video discussion at 9:15 on Sunday morning. The study will be useful for all young and old adults (high school folks are welcome!) We will use a zoom meeting and the link will be sent to you later this week. Please plan to join us for this time of virtual study and fellowship!
Our church is still dependent on your financial stewardship. We’re thankful for those of you have sent in your contributions. If you are able, please continue to support the ministry and mission of Zion.
Please also take every opportunity to care for your family and neighbor. This is the opportunity for God’s people to demonstrate the patient, enduring love of God in Jesus Christ.
In Him,
Pastor Mark