
Our Mission: “To build Christ’s Kingdom by encouraging one another in faith and proclaiming God’s Word to the world.”

YOUTH GROUP:  THERE IS 1 GALLON & 2 HALF GALLONS OF BOOYAH LEFT….  See a youth group member to purchase.  Thank you for your support.

CARPORT:  We are in need of pine/cedar boughs to decorate the carport area.  If you are cutting down or trimming your pine or cedar trees, please see Gary Joslin or contact him at 920-530-6067.

If interested, make this a Merry Christmas for someone in need & pick a ornament off the giving tree….

GIVING TREE: We have nine children on our giving tree this year; ages 8 months thru 9
years. The tree is in the fellowship hall on the table by the water. Please take a round
ornament off the tree and purchase gifts for the person on that ornament. Write your
name on the paper next to the tree by the ornament # you have chosen so we can keep
track of where each one is. Please bring your gifts (either wrapped or not) back to
church no later than Tuesday, December 3rd . Keep the ornament with the gift.
Contact Cheryl with any questions you may have @ (920-595-0606). Thank you for your
thoughtfulness this Christmas Season and always!

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BAGS: It’s time to make up the Christmas bags for this year.  Please bring in wrapped candy for the Christmas bags no later than Tuesday, December 17th.  The bags will be filled on Saturday, Dec. 21st @ 9:00.  Candy can be left in the fellowship hall by the peanuts.

IT’S POINSETTIA SIGN UP TIME. You can help beautify our Church this Christmas by purchasing Poinsettias. The cost of each plant is $10.50. There is a sign up sheet by the flower chart. 

FLOWERS UNDER THE CARPORT:  Thank you to Gary & Linda Joslin for providing the flowers under the carport this year and to Terri Smith for caring for them diligently all summer.  They are beautiful!

Congratulations to Anthony Martin Silva Jr. who confirmed his faith.

THRIVENT FUNDS: If anyone hasn’t used their $250 from Thrivent, please see Cynthia
Genke or contact her at 920-499-1568. (she would like to put it to good use)

Worship, Sunday School & Bible Study update:

Click below to see 2024 Worship Schedule:

The 2024 Worship Schedule is attached.  (no revisions… just in case you mis-placed the earlier copy)

Regular fall/winter schedule on September 8th with early service at 8:00am and late service at 10:30am.  Sunday School at 9:15. Due to the church picnic being on the 8th, we will begin bible study on the 15th.

New addition has been added, Enjoy Lutheran Hymns by clicking on link below:

Lutheran Public Radio


Click Digital Bulletin, Facebook or Cheryl’s calendar  for more future events.


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Zion 100 Year Anniversary Service 6-23-2024










