
Our Mission: “To build Christ’s Kingdom by encouraging one another in faith and proclaiming God’s Word to the world.”


Worship, Sunday School & Bible Study update:

Our new worship service times are Sunday at 9:00am & 6:30 on Thursdays….

SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE has begun.  Thursday’s, at 6:30pm & Sunday’s, at 9:00am.  We will continue with this summer schedule through Sunday, September 1st.

Zion 100 Year Anniversary Service 6-23-2024


Zion will be serving at the brat barn there on July 11th and July 25th.  Stop in and see what they have to offer.

VBS – July 28- Aug 1. All day Field Trip, Tues July 30th to Maple View Campground in Kewaunee.  (see attached flyer) Sign up in the hallway or Contact Sue Strehlow (920)676-4641.

click below for more info:

 DONATIONS FOR THE ONEIDA FOOD PANTRY are currently being accepted.  There is a box in the Narthex and in the hallway by Pastor’s office.  Any non-perishable food items that have not expired are being accepted.  If you would rather make a cash donation, please give your check to Carolyn Barlament.  Thank you.

our “Coats for Kids” donations this year. Please bring in any new or gently used children’s coats
and put them in the box in the hallway. Thank you for helping the less fortunate!

LWML IS LOOKING FOR ANY USED GREETING CARDS(Christmas, birthday, etc…), that they would be willing to donate.  Our ladies have need of them for a project and would appreciate your help.  Feel free to black out or erase any identifying words if you like.  Please bring them to church and give them to any LWML member.  Thank you for your support!

BULLETIN INFORMATION – If you have something you would like to see in the bulletin, please
put it into the Secretary mailbox in the hallway OR email it to ziononeidasecretary@gmail.com no
later than 11:00 on Tuesday mornings. Please sign your notes so if there are any questions, we
know who to contact.

CALENDAR INFORMATION – If you have an event that should be on the calendar, please get
the information to us using the Secretary mailbox or emailing ziononeidasecretary@gmail.com no
later than the 21 st of the month so we can be sure it will be formatted to fit into the calendar for the
last weekend of the month.


New addition has been added, Enjoy Lutheran Hymns by clicking on link below:

Lutheran Public Radio


Click Digital Bulletin, Facebook or Cheryl’s calendar  for more future events.


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